Online Test Prep & Admissions Coaching Made Awesome
With over 20 million YouTube views and 200K+ YouTube subscribers, we make video prep more awesome. Our college admissions and essay coaching and online test prep classes and self-paced courses for the ACT® and SAT® engage and inspire the future achievers of tomorrow

Our Digital SAT® Self Paced Online Course is HERE!
Get our LOWEST Price Ever* on the Beta Release!
*Special Beta Release Pricing may not be combined with any other discount or offer.
The Best Self-Paced Test Prep
Created by Stanford educated ACT®/SAT® perfect scorer and private tutor Brooke Hanson, our video-driven, online, self-paced SAT® and ACT® courses offers a more personal feel than most online courses, with both a face and white board on screen, just like Brooke shares in her tutoring sessions.
More Awesome.
Less Boring.
Our ACT® & SAT® courses are designed by video pros. Before Brooke was spreading tutoring awesomeness on the top SAT®/ACT®/College Admissions YouTube channel, she was interviewing celebrities like Tom Hanks for Stand Up to Cancer, co-producing a documentary for public television, and working on Yahoo! original videos with Emmy nominated host Cat Deeley.
Practice How You Play
Our course lets you take drills how you test– on paper for the ACT®, and online for the digital SAT® (now available in Beta!). On the ACT® course, we’ll ship you a free copy of the official test maker’s study guide*, and offer you pdf downloadable drills, so you can practice how you test: on paper. Our Digital SAT® course has on screen exercises for nearly every question type and 4 original practice tests, so you can practice on screen like test day.
Get a FREE digital SAT® Practice Test or FREE ACT® Practice Test Analysis with our 5 Day Risk Free Trial!*
* Must opt in upon sign up. Many course assets are unavailable until subscription is paid, including most downloads. The book included with the course ships after the trial period ends. SAT practice tests and ACT prep materials are created by SupertutorTV, which is not affiliated with the College Board or ACT Inc.

Prep with Personality
No More Boring Prep!
Tired of clicking through pages that feel like a book on a screen? Watch our sample videos below and you’ll see there’s no online self-paced prep comparison when it comes to quality, engaging, and inspiring video content.

Why SupertutorTV?
We’re the only online video prep course that offers our drills as printable downloads for paper tests, but on screen for the Digital SAT®, so students can learn in the same format* as the test. Underline, take notes, and maximize your on- paper strategies for paper tests! Use tools like the real Digital SAT®.
*ACT is offered on a computer internationally and for students retaking individual sections. Students can also view our drills with any PDF viewer to practice working from a screen. We are planning to add more online practice for the ACT course in 2024.
Make the effort with our course and you’re very likely to succeed. Complete our self-paced course and get a higher score, or get a free extension or your money back. (Terms)
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