Below is a list of select top colleges and their requirements concerning SAT®, ACT®, and SAT® Subject Tests. This list is composed of several (but not all) top colleges from Forbes Magazine and US News Report 2015.
*This is not a complete list of all colleges or top universities.
*This list also does not cover all requirements for each school, and colleges may change their requirements at any time. Make sure to visit the college sites for all application requirements.
*This list does not address home schooled students. If you are home schooled, your requirements differ from this list.
Colleges that require AT LEAST
2 Sat® Subject Tests No Matter What
(unless represent financial hardship)
Pomona College
(For Engineering: 1 SAT® Subject Test in either Physics or Chemistry & 1 in in Mathematics—Level I or II)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
(1 SAT® Subject Test in Math Level I or II & 1 in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics)
Williams College
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Colleges that require Sat® With
2 SAT® Subject Tests Or ACT® (With Writing)*
Amherst College
University of Pennsylvania
Duke University
Vassar College
(Each SAT® Subject Test in a different subject)
Tufts University
(If Considering a Major in the Sciences or Engineering –
Take Math Level I or II & Either Physics or Chemistry)
Rice University
(SAT® with SAT® Subject Tests must be in subjects related to area of study)
Swarthmore College
(SAT® with 2 SAT® Subject Tests OR ACT® with writing OR SAT® & ACT®- with or without writing)
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Colleges that recommend but
do not require 2 sat® subject tests
(Prefer Math Level II over Math Level I if prepared)
(Not required, but highly recommended. SAT® Subject Tests are required for
College of Chemistry & College of Engineering:
Math Level II and One Science – Biology, Chemistry, or Physics depending on the major)
(Not required, but highly recommended to take –
Math Level II and one Science – Biology, Chemistry, or Physics depending on the major)
(Chemistry & Math Level II Required if Applying to Honors Program in Medical Education (HPME) –
Chemistry, Physics & Math Level II Required if Applying to the Integrated Science Program (ISP))
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Colleges that
do not require 2 sat® subject tests
University of Chicago
Vanderbilt University
Wesleyan University
(Standardized tests including SAT®, ACT®, etc. are optional)
Bowdoin College
(“Test optional” for both ACT® & SAT® – About 80-85% of applicants submit scores)
University of Notre Dame
(Either SAT® or ACT® – SAT® Subject Tests, AP Tests, & IB Tests only used if they enhance an application –
Scores are also used for credit & placement in 1st year studies)
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Colleges that are
Exceptions to the above list
(Any 2 SAT® Subject Tests OR SAT® Reasoning Test OR ACT® with recommended writing)
(3 SAT® Subject Tests Required)
New York University
( ACT® with Writing OR SAT® Reasoning OR 3 SAT® Subject Tests OR 3 AP Exam Scores
OR The International Baccalaureate Diploma OR 3 IB higher-level exam scores)
Cornell University
(SAT® or ACT® with Writing – SAT® Subject Tests depend on the specific college)
See the full Cornell SAT® Subject Test Requirements here